Sunday, February 3, 2013


The Way I C It


Evil is everywhere but Good outweighs evil.


Take a look at the blue sky or a star filled night sky.

Catch a glimpse at a flower which is still alive on a chilling winter's day.

Notice an elderly whose bones, brittle with time, continues to do daily chores.

Hear the hysterical laughter of children at play.

Glance at 2 lovers kissing in a warm embrace in public.

Recall one of many times your eyes have met with a stranger who offered to help and did.

Smell how the day has changed by falling rain or a different place you have travelled to.

Listen to the musical tones of people from a different land.

Silently laugh at a certain memory with your family or friends or a happening you noticed while out walking or even at home by yourself.

Ponder on the mystery of pregnancy, child birth, life and death, sickness and disease and we will all find that we are not very different from each other.

Times such as the above mentioned are just a few of many instances when we may take the opportunity to enjoy all the good that there is in this world and to even be appreciative of the sorrows we have experienced and learned of and from-- for if we did not have good, there would be no measure to know evil. 

At death, while in the funeral parlor waiting our turn to be embalmed for burial or prepared for cremation, we are all laid naked and next to strangers of various ethnicity and economic status.  The bounty of our labors, legacy or fortunes are not stored aside to be enclosed with us. We are then merely a lifeless, quickly atrophying body without thoughts of the evil doers who put us there or of the disease which was not diagnosed, misdiagnosed; no thoughts of how perhaps this could have been prevented by having health insurance or a better one.  


Finger Pointing

This method named, Finger pointing, is learned from observing our politicians who have passed the buck back and forth, placing blame on other countries, maligning leaders, alliances and anything they can differ to, rather than taking responsibility.   


The Way I C It,  Life may have been better if people learned to accept, appreciate and respect that the earth is a gift with enough land for all to live on, feed from and thrive from without monetary cost and tariffs to outside entities; each part of the earth was given a natural resource to barter with.

Once people learned greed, many lives were taken and peaceful existence on earth has been digressing ever since.  It is forbidden to interfere in the ways of man and his evolution.

Finger Pointing After The Loss of a Loved One.

Had it not been for the reckless driver distracted by a mobile text message or call alert, the surgeon, pilot or friend who lacked sleep, was impaired by drugs or lack of knowledge, this death would not have occurred. 

What if this death occurred due to The Illuminati's plan to depopulate the world in order to have better control of those left to survive and engage in so called the New World Order?  Perhaps thoughts like, "This is the fault of the government and it's simpatico bias for the rich, the poor, the Jews, Christians, Protestants, Mormons..." would be entertained as well.

This list of finger pointing and blame could go on and on in the lives of our loved ones left behind grieving our loss and trying to make sense of an event which is truly promised to us all. Death.


I would prefer to believe that our last thoughts are like the ones mentioned at the beginning of this post.  I don't know about you but if I had any choice in the matter of which would be my final memories, the good ones would erase any bad ones and if any thought of malice or evil popped into my soul's experience while travelling to its' destiny to the other side, I could hopefully try to find the brighter side or replace it with one of the tiny fingers of an infant.

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